November 28, 2007

Elizabeth Discusses Follow-Up Book to "Eat Pray Love"

Photo: Elizabeth Gilbert with her husband Felipe on their wedding day.

"Next comes a nonfiction book about marriage, actually. It's a long story, which, ­yes, ­does involve Felipe, whom I’m married. I set aside the novel [I was working on] because this is the story I want and need to explore right now, and the great benefit of being a writer is that you can use your vocation as a tool through which to understand questions that are vexing or fascinating you.

I’ve only ever written the book that I absolutely needed to write at that time, whatever it might be. For these last few years, that seems to be memoir, but I don’t think that will always necessarily be the case, once I’ve found the answers I need in my own life, in order to move on to other things."
Interview in "Nashville Scene" - April 2007